Wednesday, October 27, 2010


(n). A night of really weird and often disturbing dreams caused by the anticipation of something truly dreaded that will occur the next day.

What a nexing last night! Now I'm really feeling exhausted and I have to go up to my mother's to spend two days with her because she's having cataract surgery.


  1. Andi, I hope all will go well with your mother. My mom had cataract surgery, and it turned out to be much much easier than we had anticipated. I hope that will prove true for her and you as well.

  2. I too hope everything goes well. My mom had both eyes done (not at the same time) and, like KS, it turned out to be easier than she anticipated. Good Luck!

  3. Thanks for all the kind thoughts, folks. You are all too good but I am a self-centered creep. It's not the surgery that's worrying me (it only takes about 20 minutes for the actual surgery!) but spending this much time with my loving and sweet but amazingly annoying mother.

  4. Follow up ... we're back home. She was talking a mile a minute when I walked into the recovery room so I knew right away that everything was completely normal.
